Week 5 Part B: Learning about FaceBook Data Collecting
In todays assignment, it is exciting to learn more about Facebook data collecting. I have always heard of reach and engagements, but I have never really understood the differences or the importance. From conducting some research, I learned that they are both extremely important to any business or page. To begin, we can define reach as the total number of unique Facebook users who see the things you post on your Timeline. Be it a photo, a status update, or a video, all content that is published on your Facebook page is broadcast to an audience, and the amount of people who see this content makes up the reach! However, it is important to remember that this number isn’t limited to just the people who simply “like” your page. This is clearly important as it lets you know who is seeing your posts, and the size of the audience you are reaching, however, the more someone reacts to the posts, the more people it will eventually reach. This clearly will affect the size of the audience and which in turn will hopefully lead to more potential clients.
When we then think about Post engagement, it is defined as a social media analytics metric that measures user activities on Facebook posts. It is clear that if your content isn’t stopping your audience from mindlessly scrolling through their feed, then you’re not posting engaging content.
This clearly links to post reach, as the more engagement we see and experience on the post, the more people the post will reach. Again, this is super important as the more people the post reaches and the more engagements on a post, the more potential clients the post will reach. I think when starting out a business, it is really important to learn from both reach and engagement to see what your customers like or do not like and what ultimately will help you increase your revenue and clientele.
When researching Facebook insights and how a business can utilise this tool, it was clear to me that if used in the correct way, it can be really beneficial to provide your customer with their exacts needs and ultimately increase awareness and clients. Nowadays, social media is a must for all businesses. Through social media, businesses now have more power than ever to market themselves to potentially millions of people on the Internet, and the ability to fine tune their online marketing efforts to bring in more customers.
Facebook Insights allows entrepreneurs to know more about their audience's habits, as well as where they are from and what kind of lifestyle they lead. As mentioned, Facebook insights can be a super helpful tool as it allows us access to our customers needs and wants, however, a business really needs to understand what they are looking for and how to analyze it properly. I think that you need to understand what is the most important to the company and which insights will help you gain the most customers and clients. Is it the location, is it the age demographic? There are many options to look at and analyze, but it is important to recognise your target audience otherwise you will try to please everyone on the internet and this, unfortunately, is not possible.
When I completed my assignment, there were only the below profiles available so I have liked and commented on the following posts:
Jinx Hu - Atlanta Cafe
Terrell Mitchell - Prod By Terrell
Regina Tompkins - Gina Tompkins Voice Overs
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