Week 12 Part A: Using Business Specific Online Tools

This week ill be researching into the use of online business tools. With all of my previous posts when relating to social media platforms, I have pointed out that LinkedIn is certainly the most relevant to FINTAL Recruitment, however, it is always good to see what else is out there and what can be utilized. 

My business is a Finance Recruitment company, so I believe there are only certain online tools which will work. It is always important to remember, that just because they exist, it does not mean they will work for your type of business. 

The first thing I researched was online collaboration tools. Online collaboration tools are web-based applications that offer basic services such as instant messaging for groups, mechanisms for file sharing and collaborative search engines (CSE) to find information distributed within the system of the organization, community or team. I believe this would be useful for my business and my team to interact with clients and to be able to connect with candidates on a remote basis and to hold client meetings without them needing to come to the office. It will also allow my team to collaborate with clients and candidates from all across the USA, making our target market more accessible. 

I have previously mentioned LinkedIn and its uses. I think this online platform is by far the most useful for my business. LinkedIn is a platform which is primarily used for professional networking and career development, and allows job seekers to post their CVs and employers to post jobs. This is exactly what my business is about, networking and helping finance professionals both on the candidate and client side. LinkedIn has groups to be able to join, to ask advice, you can invite clients and candidates to events and also like and share posts to create a wider awareness. 

Another super useful online too for FINTAL would be Google business as well as the Rating tools. My clients are going to spend a lot of money for the right talent, but before they do that they want to know that my business is professional and who we are. The rating sites will allow my candidates and clients to see how well we have performed for our previous customers and then can expect the same level of service. If i was a candidate, i would also want to see the rating my recruiter had. I would want to make sure that they were the best people for finding the perfect role. Sometimes people have found them selves unemployed, with an urgency to get a new role. They cannot afford to waste time with an awful recruiter. However, this could also have a negative impact as if a candidate does not get placed in a role they really wanted, they may blame the recruiter. 

I do not believe that TikTok would be useful to me, FINTAL is a professional business and does not rely on being creative. TikTok is a perfect platform for creative professionals, but the finance world is not that place! 

I think after researching the online business tools, again it is clear that LinkedIn is the most favorable for FINTAL, but it is good to learn about other platforms and potentially widen the uses at some point in the future! 


  1. LinkedIn certainly is a perfect fit for your recruitment business. I like that your post also included Google Business too. Having a positive review on Google will certainly boost your business.

  2. It is a good idea to focus on the social media platforms and tools that you know will work for your specific business rather than spend unnecessary time on apps where it is a hit or a miss.

  3. Having a rating system for your recruiter separate from your company as a whole is a great idea! This will help show if the employee is doing a good job and also will build credibility to your company!

  4. Hello, it is important that you have noted the importance of online collaboration tools, suggesting that is important in facilitating web-based application. However, you ought to have noted its importance in increasing the firm’s networks, such as attracting more clients.
    Thank you

  5. Hi Kate!

    Similarly, I would not think TikTok would work for the finance world, but here is an interesting article "Can TikTok Make You Better at Money? These Creators Think So " you may want to read that says TikTok can help the finance world get some attention in 60 sec. I know TikTok has its limitations, but it gives some to get others interested in your business in a fun way.

  6. I love the you bring up an extremely important function to businesses. We definitely need to look into FINTAL would be Google business as well as the Rating tools. The analytics are important!

  7. I agree with your idea of making sure you use the tools that will help your type of business rather than just waist time doing unnecessary ones.


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