Week 10 Part A: Researching Email Marketing

After reading the lecture notes and researching into company newsletters, it was interesting to find out more about these emails and how and why they are so important! Immediately what comes to my mind when I think of company newsletters is 'annoying' and 'unsubscribe' but I guess that's just my personal opinion, or maybe in signing up to the wrong newsletters! 

When I think about FINTAL Recruitment and a business newsletter, I believe that once a month would be an ideal number of newsletters to send out. As the lecture notes suggest, email marketing is one of the most important tools to work into the company's marketing mix. When I am not sure if my customers will see my social media efforts, email marketing remains to fill the gap, and also double up as a reminder or a gentle nudge to push us back to the front of our clients and candidates minds. 

With a recruitment company, one benefit of regular connections or reminders, is that a businesses recruitment needs are always changing. One week they may not have a need, but in two weeks time they may have an urgent need. Staff may have left, a new contract may mean extra staffing is needed, there are many reasons as to why a clients needs change, and it is my job to remind them we are always there to help. 

When thinking about the type of newsletter or email campaigns my business would send, I believe I would benefit from two types. I would need to apply to the candidates who are looking for a new opportunity, as well as the clients who are looking for new talent. 

The first would be a newsletter where I would like to email potential candidates looking for new opportunities. I could do our 'Hot Jobs of the Month' newsletter, where I would summarize some of the opportunities available to try and generate interest for applicants and hopefully find my perfect candidate, or at least add a candidate to my network. 

The second newsletter or email campaign I would like to do would be to contact potential clients that are currently or will be needing financial talent in the future. I could potentially provided redacted information of some 'Candidates of the Month' to attract clients. The clients might not be looking for this particular skill set, but even if they are not, it could spark some interest in speaking with to potentially partner with and help assist them looking for talent they do need. 

When discussing my email marketing needs, I feel like I need a combination of relationship building and sales generating. As mentioned earlier, businesses recruitment needs are constantly changing, and it is about making sure I am always in the front of a decision makers mind for when the time comes. I believe that both my different types of newsletters and email campaigns could include a small section about who we are and how we might be able to help. I would also want the email campaigns to stand out yet still be professional enough to attract new clients. It would be great for both clients and candidates to get an idea of my business and the teamwork behind it, i want the focus to be on personal touches as well as the professionalism. 


  1. Your idea for separate client and candidate newsletters is brilliant!

  2. Newsletters are a great tool for the business but can also be a great pain for the customer haha. sounds like you came up with a happy medium though. Giving the customers choices on what type of newsletters they'd like to receive is very smart.

  3. I like how you have addressed your blog, especially how you have sectioned it into different categroies. This is an attractive piece of blog


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