Week 12 Part B: Business Specific Tools

For this weeks assignment, I commented on the following blogs: 

Nancy's CSIT 155 - Fall 2021 Class Blog

Andrew Estelle's CSIT 155 FA21 Blog

Sean's CSIT 155 - Fall 2021 Class Blog

James Anear's Blog

When reading my classmates blogs this week, it was interesting for me to see there were so many online collaboration tools that i had never heard of. None of my classmates businesses are the same as mine, so it is always interesting to read about how they feel they will gain the most exposure and therefore the most clients/customers. 

Some of my classmates even with having different businesses reviewed the same social media platforms, yet they had a different opinion on how to use it which is also interesting to me. 

One of my classmates really dived into TikTok and how this can be useful which i found interesting, I have always seen this as a social media site for 'fun' or 'to go viral' but due to the nature of his business, this would show the creative side and almost act as a showcase for the companies work which i really liked. 

I think it is always good to know what works for you and your business, but it is also good to explore other online platforms out there. It may not take a whole lot of time to use, yet it could be really effective in generating sales and revenue, or even creating exposure. I do think it it is important to utilize the ones where you know will contribute to the most growth, but with the ever changing world of online, it is important to keep up to date! 
