Week 17: Wrapping It Up
My final post of the the semester, and what a semester it has been. As my first semester in the US as an international student, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and I have especially enjoyed this course. When I first realized the course was going to be based on writing a blog each week, I must admit I wasn't thrilled. I didn't see my writing kills as anything special or exciting, and I definitely didn't believe anyone would be interested in what I had to discuss. HOWEVER, I have really enjoyed writing the blogs each week and the research that came along with them. I believe the course overall allowed me to also utilize my classmates work and research. As we all have different business ideas, I think it was great to view research from a different view point and to understand the explanations as to what might work best for them, and also some tools which may help me that I have never heard of. With regards to my viewpoint on social media, I don't believe it has changed w...